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The meerkats of the Kalahari Meerkat Project starred on countless screens and in books - do you want to learn more about the actors behind these stars? Or are you "just" fond of these furry little creatures that seem to value family above everything else? Or are you here to support the KMP research - and see what we've achieved with our support? Whatever it is that sparked your interest in the KMP meerkats:
Welcome to our Friends of the Kalahari Meerkat Project website.
Please use the menu at the top to navigate through the site, and also visit the KMP research website.
November 2024 Life History File

This month we say goodbye to Nightwatch. The circumstances of the disintegration of the group were very similar to that of Make-e-Plan’s in March 2024 and are highlighted in the November Meerkatter. Dominant female Yorki (VDGF033) was the last remaining individual in Nightwatch. She was last seen on November 14…
October 2024 Life History File

Lots going on in October – this is just a sampling! It’s meerkat breeding season which means rovers, intergroup interactions, pregnancies and births. It also means evictions and there were plenty in October. As a result, group size with some of the main data collection groups decreased. This is explained…
September 2024 Life History File

It is now breeding season in the Kalahari which means we can expect roving males and new pups in the coming months. Births, abortions and infanticide are all covered in this month’s Meerkatter. Side Quest already has three little pups foraging with the group. Trackie-Daks dominant female Boubou (VTDF028) and Hogwarts…