2018-09 September LH Files

The September Life History files have been uploaded.

  • Baobab are down to 3 individuals suffering from TB; I fear October will mark the end of this once so successful group… Van Helsing, who also have some individuals with TB symptoms, experienced 13 group splits this month – with subordinate Goblin (VVHF100) leading the healthier part of the group.
  • LLCoolJ is now dominant at Little Creatures; his long-term companion Jazzy Jeff keeps roving – but couldn’t join a new group (yet).
  • Whiskers’ Swift had a litter at the end of September – just after dominant male Brea turned 9 years old!
  • Several of the habituation groups make good progress, with more individuals hopping on the scales or coming near the researchers.
  • The nights are still very cold (down to -7°C/19.4°F – when only two groups got up in the morning).

Click here to download the LH Table.

Friends will find “The Meerkatter” issue here (login needed).

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