About us

The Friends of the Kalahari Meerkat Project are a society aimed at promoting knowledge about meerkats, and raising funds for the Kalahari Meerkat Project meerkat research. Click on the following links to find more information about:


The FKMP team currently consists of:

  • Evi Zehntner, Switzerland, President, secretary, webmaster, content review
  • “Pronker”, USA, membership administration, content review
  • Linda Hollén, United Kingdom, scientific advisor, Funds committee
  • Lukas Keller, Switzerland, scientific advisor, Funds committee

The FKMP team is in frequent contact with the KMP management and team in Cambridge, Zurich and the KRR field site.

All current FKMP team members fully volunteer for the FKMP, and receive no financial compensation for the time and money invested in the society, the website, data preparation, the shop, administration or other activities for the FKMP.

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