Copyright notice

All content presented on the website belongs to the Kalahari Meerkat Project or Friends of the Kalahari Meerkat Project, and is protected by copyright laws.

Copyrights of any information (text, pictures, video, audio material) are with the KMP and FKMP, both for public information and information restricted to Friends; information obtained as a Friend may only be used for personal purposes; distribution of information to individuals and groups, in writen or digital form, is prohibited, unless the Friend has a written permission by the FKMP.

If you wish to use content on this website for professional or research purposes, please contact Prof. Dr. Marta Manser to obtain permission.

The following rules may guide you regarding usage of pictures, movies and other multimedia content found anywhere on

  • You may download pictures from the public website sections and the FKMP gallery, and use them for your own personal, non-commercial use. This means you can use them as your computer wallpaper, print them and put them on your wall etc.
  • You may not use them for commercial purposes, i.e. as illustration in a newspaper article, a book etc. or on any item that you sell or trade.
  • We are aware that a lot of personal websites have sprung up that use pictures copied from our website. This is accepted for websites (e.g. discussion forums) created by individuals for non-commercial use, as long as you include a reference to the FKMP website as the source of the pictures.
  • Organisations (both commercial and non-commercial) have to have our explicit permission to use content from, for each content item used.
  • Special rules apply if you want to use meerkat pictures for educational reasons (at school, in a museum). Please contact us in case you want to do this.
  • Pictures that are found in the Friends-only sections of (e.g. in the Friends packages, Friends burrow, or in visitor galleries marked as Friends-only) may not be shared with anyone, nor used on any websites.

Please contact us via our contact form if you have questions about these rules, or wish to obtain our permission for the use of content from


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