2018-09 September LH Files

The September Life History files have been uploaded.

  • Baobab are down to 3 individuals suffering from TB; I fear October will mark the end of this once so successful group… Van Helsing, who also have some individuals with TB symptoms, experienced 13 group splits this month – with subordinate Goblin (VVHF100) leading the healthier part of the group.
  • LLCoolJ is now dominant at Little Creatures; his long-term companion Jazzy Jeff keeps roving – but couldn’t join a new group (yet).
  • Whiskers’ Swift had a litter at the end of September – just after dominant male Brea turned 9 years old!
  • Several of the habituation groups make good progress, with more individuals hopping on the scales or coming near the researchers.
  • The nights are still very cold (down to -7°C/19.4°F – when only two groups got up in the morning).

Click here to download the LH Table.

Friends will find “The Meerkatter” issue here (login needed).

2018-08 August LH Files

The August Life History files have been uploaded.

The project has seen a few changes in male dominance, in August: Long-term dominant males Kuçuk at Van Helsing and Pi at Make-a-Plan were both found dead at the end of the month – Kuçuk from TB and Pi from predation. On a lighter note, LL Cool J (recently subordinate at Jaxx) has moved to Little Creatures, there probably filling the dominant male position.
Other than that, the Kalahari is waiting for a hopefully good rainy Summer season even though nights in August have still been exceptionally cold.

Click here to download the LH Table.

Friends will find “The Meerkatter” issue here (login needed).

2018-07 July LH files

The July Life History files have been uploaded.

Bad news from several groups:
  • Baobab is suffering badly from TB – most animals show signs now.
  • Unfortunately, also Van Helsing have a few individuals with TB symptoms.
  • Gold Diggers’ only collared individual was predated, so the group is currently being tracked again.
Good news are that there were 5 successful births with surviving litters – uncommon for July, but similar to 2016 when late rains after a too dry rainy season led to a late breeding season.

Click here to download the LH Table.

Friends will find “The Meerkatter” issue here (login needed).

2018-06 June LH Table

The June Life History files have been uploaded.

June has been a rather quiet – and cold! – month. Most meerkat groups are doing fine though, and most pups born in May are still around, and growing.

Click here to download the LH Table.

Friends will find “The Meerkatter” issue here (login needed).

Please note that from now on the LH Table and The Meerkatter Magazine will be published on a monthly basis. Check back on this site in the latter half of the month, or like us on our facebook site where we usually announce the new LH reports.