As a Friend of the Kalahari Meerkat Project, you get access to additional information about our meerkat groups and the KMP research, and you can get in contact with the FKMP and with other Friends.
Friends click here to log in, to access the following information:
- The Meerkatter: Bi-monthly online magazine with background about the groups and their important life history details.
- Friends meetingplace: Use this online forum to discuss project-related stuff with other Friends.
- Meerkat profiles: Find profiles of individual meerkats that left an imprint in our files and hearts.
- Backstage Meerkat Manor: Compare names and events in Meerkat Manor to the KMP data.
- General information: Facts and information about all our groups.
- Meet the meerkats: Information on half-day or week-long visits to the meerkats.
Click here to log in to the Friends Burrow.