Floki VWM241 in 2022
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
An article on the KMP’s habituation process is presented in the June Meerkatter, with progress updates on several of the project’s habituation groups, including Whiskers, and a new group named Mandalore. Mandalore is comprised of 8-10 meerkats and occupies an area in Whiskers territory. One of the males has been identified as Whiskers adult subordinate male Floki (VWM241) and has been fitted with a radio collar. Floki was last seen in November 2022. Time (and transponder scans) will tell if there are other previously known individuals in this group.

Nightwatch Sushi VTSM006
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Nightwatch eldest subordinate male Sushi’s (VTSM006) predated remains were found this month. He was likely a victim of a terrestrial predator, perhaps a cape fox. The story of this former Make-e-Plan dominant male and co-founder of Trackie-Daks, is featured in this month’s Meerkatter. Sushi had visible advanced tuberculosis symptoms at the time of his death, so a close watch is being kept on the rest of the group for any other infected individuals.

Zulus Salazar in 2023
Photo by Harry Ames
At the new habituation group, Hogwarts, adult subordinate female, Salazar (VZUF057), was fitted with a radio collar. This should make finding the group easier and more frequent.
After more than six months, the Phoenix group has been spotted several times at one of its sleeping burrows.

Phoenix in 2022
Photo by Deborah Mary Lanzi Mazzocchini
Male and female dominance is still unsettled at Whiskers. Male dominance remains unconfirmed or unknown at Elrond’s Council, Jaxx and Nightwatch.
Find the June 2024 Meerkatter here.
Click here for the June 2024 Life History File.
The June 2024 Group Territory Map can be found here.