Nightwatch Dominant Female Yorki VGDF033
This month we say goodbye to Nightwatch. The circumstances of the disintegration of the group were very similar to that of Make-e-Plan’s in March 2024 and are highlighted in the November Meerkatter. Dominant female Yorki (VDGF033) was the last remaining individual in Nightwatch. She was last seen on November 14 when her radio collar was removed. At that time, she was skinny, lethargic and uncoordinated, and had recently aborted her pregnancy.

Gold Diggers Maya II VGDF039 (L) and Ricky Baker VGDF031
A new sub-group, Gold Diggers 5, was formed with Nightwatch adult subordinate males Shrimp (VMPM070) and Waxillium (VMPM083) and (frequent!) Gold Diggers evictees adult subordinate females Ricky Baker (VGDF031) and Maya II (VGDF039). Shrimp and Waxillium were soon replaced by former Trackie-Daks dominant male Coquillette (VTSM014) and adult subordinate males Gary (VTDM033) and Johto (VTDM039).

Whiskers Gnoll VWF262
Over at Trackie-Daks, Whiskers adult male Guido (VWM275) took over the position of dominant male after it was vacated by Coquillette. And what started out as a promising beginning to new female dominance at Whiskers with Gnoll (VWF262), has ended in disappointment. Gnoll, seemingly ill, submitted to another female in the group, thus ending her bid for dominance. Whiskers yearling female Sheila (VWF267) gave birth this month, she is lactating, and the group is actively babysitting. Both male and female dominance at Whiskers remains unconfirmed.

Whiskers Sheila VWF267 in 2023
Evicted Side Quest adult subordinate female Motoko Kusanagi (VSIF013) continued to hang out near the group throughout the month, even sneaking in and out of sleeping burrows, but has still not been allowed back with the rest of the group.

Jaxx Dominant Male Sneaky VJXM170
Habituation at Jaxx is Complete with dominant male Sneaky’s (VJXM170) acceptance of KMP observers, the scale and water bottle.

Vetkoeks Dominant Female Mooncake VHMF053
‘Tis the season for rovers, evictees and pups, and there are plenty of pups including those at Alba, Brussels Sprouts, Elrond’s Council, Lazuli, Whiskers, Zulus and Vetkoeks – yes, Vetkoeks!
Lots more to read about in this month’s Meerkatter!
Click here to Find the November Meerkatter.
Find the November Life History Chart here.
For the November Group Territory Map, click here.