2019-03 March Life History File

Throughout March Whiskers boys, Bonnie (VWM209), Clyde (VWM208) and Cleo (VWM205) continued to fight for dominance in Namaqua.  Bonnie received the brunt of it by sporting a nasty lacerated and swollen face.  Lewie (VLM208) had enough and viciously fought with Cleo and Clyde, regaining his dominance. Zulus dominant female Poma…


2019-02 February Life History File

February was marked by inter-group interactions, individual encounters with roving males and evicted females trying to get back into their home groups. Whiskers boys, Cleo (VWM205), Bonnie (VWM209) and Clyde (VWM208) emigrated into the newly formed Namaqua group, fighting Lewie (VLM208) for dominance. Shamal(VVHM111) took over dominance in Make-e-Plan as…


2019-01 January Life History File

The New Year brings in pregnant sub-adults in Make-e-Plan and Ubuntu.  These naughty meerkats are only 8-9 months old! Little Creatures Kanye (VCRM002) could not make up his mind as to which group he’d like to call home, visiting Run Amuk, Creatures and Jaxx, along with regular excursions back to…


All good things must come to an end…

Dear Friends Together with Prof. Tim Clutton-Brock and Prof. Marta Manser, I have decided to end the Friends of the KMP membership program. We will no longer accept new Friends nor renew FKMP memberships. The existing memberships will however remain active for their entire term. The KMP and FKMP website…
