2018-06 June LH Table

The June Life History files have been uploaded. June has been a rather quiet – and cold! – month. Most meerkat groups are doing fine though, and most pups born in May are still around, and growing. Click here to download the LH Table. Friends will find “The Meerkatter” issue…


2018-05 May LH Table

The May Life History files have been uploaded. Here are the most important events: Baobab have a new dominant male – a wild immigrant. Most individuals suffer from TB, however. Jazzy Jeff was driven out of Run Amuk by Hakuna Matata males Riptide and Reepicheep. He’s now wandering between groups.…


2018-04 April LH Table

The April Life History files have been uploaded. Here are the most important events: There was a dominance change at Jaxx – Leonard overthrew his father LLCoolJ. The month otherwise has been quiet. The rainy season is coming to an end; with 170 mm of rain since the start of…


2018-03 March LH Table

The March Life History files have been uploaded. Here are the most important events: Freetails switched dominance from Cafrine to littermate Meli-Melo, and the male died of a wound. A new wild male immigrated – together with two mystery pups who were later abandoned. Storm Troopers are lost as a…
