Privacy Policy update

All of us are sent messages about data protection and privacy these days, by any website we’ve ever registered with. is no exception… Our website’s aim is to share information about the meerkats and the KMP project with the public, and definitely not to collect loads of personal information of…


2018-02 February LH Table

The February Life History files have been uploaded. Here are the most important events: Van Helsing’s dominant female Egg was seen mating with Paprika’s Angel Shuffle (VVHM075) – who is her son! He must have been away for too long for her to recognise him? The Paprika group disintegrated, however,…


2018-01 January LH Table

The January Life History files have been uploaded. Here are the most important events: The KMP now employs a local tracker, Karel, who managed to track a new group the north-eastern corner of the reserve – and it includes two dispersed Baobab females, Tayl Baez (VBBF117) and Kamala (VBBF116), with…


2017-12 December LH Table

The December Life History files have been uploaded. Here are the most important events: There are 20 females pregnant at the end of the month – peak breeding season! Unfortunately, several groups lost their young pups however – Jaxx, for example, lost 5 of their 6 new pups. 2 come,…
