2019-07 July Life History File

Banksia while still a member of Van Helsing. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

With the end of winter approaching, the rovers are on the move again seeking new opportunities.  After losing their fight for dominance at Namaqua, Whiskers rovers Bonnie (VWM209) and Clyde (VWM208) decided to settle in with Van Helsing, at least for the time being.  Their presence chased off the wild males who had made up almost half of the group.

In Make-e-Plan, dominant male Shamal (VVHM111) was overthrown by his younger brother, another Van Helsing male, Banksia (VVHM117).  Shortly thereafter,  Shamal was euthanized due to advanced TB symptoms.  Fortunately there are no other Make-e-Plan individuals displaying any signs of TB.

Little Creatures LL Cool J (VLM207) was given his last seen date.

Make-e-Plan dominant male Shamal. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

For the July 2019 Life History details click here.

For the July 2019 Meerkatter click here.

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