2019-11 November Life History File

Pet’s claws. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

KMP favorite, Pet (VCM001) is featured in this month’s Meerkatter. Pet was first seen as a juvenile in 2011 with now Whiskers dominant male Brea (VLM157) and brother Rubio (VLM155). With no fear of humans and a botched declaw on his right paw, it was suspected he had previously been kept a s a pet and hence his name, Pet.  Pet and Alan Johnson’s Beemer (VLF206) formed Hakuna Matata in 2016.  Pet returned to his roving ways in July of this year after the loss of Alan Johnson’s Beemer, but returned to the project farmhouse area this month and is seen on a daily basis. Now approximately 8 years old, it is hoped that Pet will rejoin to Hakuna Matata.

Former dominant male and co-founder of Hakuna Matata, Pet. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

There was a baby boom at the KMP this month.  Contributing was Whiskers dominant female Swift (VWF176) who gave birth to her 21st litter.

(Little) Creatures was found at the beginning of the month and The Worm’s Heart (VCRM010) was collared.

Little Creatures The Worm’s Heart. Photo by meerkat volunteer Lea Sueur

Find the November 2019 Life History details here.

Find the November 2019 Meerkatter here

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