April 2024 Life History File

Side Quest pup, Granita VSIF031
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Whiskers, April 2024
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Autumn in the Kalahari marks the end of the of the roving season for the meerkats. In this month’s Meerkatter,  male and female roving is explained, including how this behavior can affect dominance and group composition.  Breeding season statistics are also provided. The most unsuccessful group in regard to pup survival this past breeding season was the Whiskers. Eight litters were lost before emergence, one pregnancy was aborted and three pups from a marked litter were all lost within four weeks. The most successful group was Side Quest with an 83% pup survival rate.


Male dominance remains unconfirmed at both Elrond’s Council and Jaxx.

Zulus Leona (aka The Unit) VZUF070
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Zulus yearling subordinate Leona (VZUF070) appeared to have sustained a snake bite to her neck resulting in a swollen head and eye.

Vetkoeks April 8, 2024
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Vetkoeks continues to dwindle in size.  The group is down to just four individuals after yearling male Brego (VVKM004) emigrated out this month.

Whiskers Gojo Satoru VWM274
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Male and female dominance continues to be unsettled with Whiskers. Yearling subordinate female Mya (VWF268) and adult subordinate males Rollo (VWM240), Scrabble (VWM253), Clue (VWM255) and Battleship (VWM257) were all given their LAST SEEN. Habituation of one of the three wild males has improved enough for him to be marked and entered into the database as adult subordinate male Gojo Satoru (VWM274)

Find the April 2024 Meerkatter here.

Click here for the April 2024 Life History Chart.

The April 2024 Group Territories Map can be found here.

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