Lazuli dominant female Sigma
Photo by Tal Kleinhause
Meerkat breeding season is explained in this month’s Meerkatter. While there were a lot of pregnancies within the KMP’s groups in December, the majority of the litters were lost. However notably, Lazuli dominant female Sigma (VLF230) gave birth to a litter of four pups, that included the 300th individual to be part of this famous long-lived group.

Ubuntu dominant female Cthulhu
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
A new dominant female has emerged in Ubuntu following Daisy’s (VBBF111) death in October. After dominance competitions between adult subordinate females Cthulha ((VUBF035), Masekind (VUBF037) and Agazoth (VUBF039), Cthulha is now in Ubuntu’s top spot. Also in Ubuntu, beloved Captain Barbosa (VLM265) was again attacked and ousted by the group’s dominant male on a couple of occasions this month. While it was hoped he would form a subgroup of his own, Captain Barbosa remains on his own in close proximity to the group.

Namaqua dominant female Manzai
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Namaqua’s dominant female, Manzai (VNQF013) is suspected to have succumbed to TB. She was too weak to forage with her family and did not wake up with them on December 8th. As a result, Mia (VNQF027) is Namaqua’s new dominant female.

Zulus dominant male Scuzi in 2020
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Zulus dominant male Scuzi (VWM213) was given his LAST SEEN after leaving the group the beginning of November.
For the December 2022 Meerkatter click here.
Find the December 2022 Life History chart here.
The group territory map was not updated this month.