Zulu’s dominant male Scuzi seen with sour grass scars around his eyes. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
A couple more dominants were lost this month. Long-time Zulu’s dominant male, Scuzi (VWM213), disappeared in early November and Brussels Sprouts dominant male James (VGDM011) left the group at the end of the month. Male dominance is currently unsettled in both groups.

Alba’s new dominant male Godric. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Dominance changes occurred in several groups. Godric (VZUM053) took on the role of dominant male in Alba after the loss of Jay-A-Rod (VWM216) in October. Shandy (VHMM023 assumed dominance in Namaqua following dominant male Umfana’s (VZUM034) probable death from TB. In Ubuntu, Agazoth (VBUF039) and Cthulhu (VBUF035) were both pregnant after vicious dominance competitions following the loss of the group’s dominant female Daisy (VBBF111) late October. It is likely that one of these two pregnant females is Ubuntu’s new dominant female.

Brussels Sprouts Vivienne. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Brussels Sprouts adult subordinate female and snake -bite survivor, Vivienne (VMPF038), was given her LAST SEEN.
The KMP’s newest group, Vetkoeks, was seen four times this month within the reserve. The group consists of Zulu male littermates Bear (VZUM056), Mion (VZUM057) and Zuma (VZUM059) and Hakuna Matata yearling female, Mooncake (VHMF053). The group’s main territory is in a neighboring farm, near Hakuna Matata’s territory.
Click here for the November 2022 Meerkatter.
Find the November Life History Chart here.
The group territories map was not updated this month.