Whiskers Brea VLM157
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Whiskers Dominant Male Zuma
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
The October Meerkatter is all about the life of Whiskers former dominant male Brea (VLM157). Brea has been absent since October 2nd. Due to his advanced age of14 years, he is assumed to have passed away. Zulus-born Zuma (VZUM059) left Vetkoeks and immigrated into Whiskers on October 24, taking over the position of dominant male. Whiskers dominant female Luna’s (VWF235) last litter of pups were given their LAST SEEN on October 5th.

Madhubala VALF006
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
At Alba, the group is finally settled with Palestrina (VLM211) being confirmed as the new dominant male. Palestrina has previously been the dominant male at Zulus and Elrond’s Council. Alba dominant female Tolkien (VECF019) lost one pup from her recent litter of three. Emigrant yearling subordinate females Maya (VALF003) and Madhubala (VALF006) were given their LAST SEEN. Perhaps they will eventually turn up in a group of their own. Yearling subordinate male Nigoni (VALM004) was spotted at the Gannavlakte farmhouse with none other than adult female (and friend of squirrels) Magali (VUBF023).
Yearling male Chilli (VBSM005) took over male dominance from Gurke (VHMM036) following continuous dominance assertions at Brussels Sprouts. Dominant female Arabella’s (VMPF035) litter was lost before emergence.

Cigarette Smoking Man
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Jaxx suffered several losses in October. Pups Igglybuff (VJXP186) and Cleffa (VJXP187) were assumed predated. Cigarette Smoking Man’s (VJXM153) radio collar was found under a nest.
At Lazuli, dominant male Odin (VLM266) relinquished his dominant position to go roving with other Laz boys, leaving Lazuli without a dominant male. Dominant female Dumpling’s (VLF272) five pups from her most recent litter have emerged.

Runaways Dominant Male Shiraz VJXM122
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden
Dik-Diks dominant female Fleabag (VGDF005) has been missing since October 27th and Runaways dominant male Shiraz (VJXM222) has been absent since mid-month.
Click here for the October 2023 Meerkatter.
Find the October 2023 Life History Chart here.
The Group Territories Map is found here.