June 2015 Field Report

I have just been reading over my last report and reminding myself how the TB research has moved on in the intervening period. Summer 2014/2015 for me was about getting the central study in my PhD up and running: the vaccination project. There were a few hitches along the way…


Nov/Dec 2014 Field Report

It’s been six months now since I last updated you with how things were going with the tuberculosis research. At that point I was in England planning for the main stage of my research and working out how best to tackle our questions. Now I am back out in the…


June 2914 Field Report

I’m back in England now after a successful season in the Kalahari. I spent nearly four months out there in the end on this trip, and managed to sample 125 of the meerkats. I was really pleased with getting this number as that represented a good percentage of the population…


Christmas 2013 Field Report

The first three months of the TB vaccination project have gone by at some speed, and have been a complete mixture of activities involving research, planning, and action. Having previously been familiar with the tuberculosis situation in cattle, I have spent a good deal of time reading up on the…
