2020-08 August Life History File

Zulus dominant female Spruddel’s VZUF028 latest litter has survived to emergence – a first for her.  Of these two pups, only one remains at the end of the month; the other assumed predated while foraging with the group.


Gold Diggers dominant male Shrew. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Gold Diggers finally have a dominant male.  Ubuntu’s Shrew VUBM018 has taken on that position.  The dominant female is still undetermined.

Jaxx dominant female Baloo VJXF080 is pregnant.

Jaxx dominant female Baloo with Monkey Mouse  in 2017. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Namaqua had an inter-group interaction (IGI) with Zulus but Namaqua retreated before any contact, avoiding any resulting injuries.  Yearlings Melee VNQM007 and Tussle’s VNQM008 body condition have deteriorated  for undetermined reasons.


Find the August 2020 Life History chart here.

Click here for the August 2020 Meerkatter.


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