2022-01 January Life History File

Ubuntu in the flowers 2021. Photo credit Zoe Turner, Meerkat Manager

Ubuntu finally has a new dominant male after Scar’s (VUBM021) disappearance in April 2021 – Jumper (VTSM017) from Trackie-Daks.  Four Ubuntu girls gave birth in January, including dominant female Daisy (VBBF111).

This month tuberculosis took another Namaqua meerkat.  This time it was yearling subordinate female Hiccup

Hiccup as a pup in March 2020. Photo credit Laura Salamone-Maiden

(VNQF016).  She had been suffering from TB since late September 2021.  On a more positive note, Namaqua dominant female, Manzai (VNQF013), gave birth to four pups.

Gold Diggers dominant female, Cleo (VGDF013), was given her last seen after having left the group in December.  Dominance competitions are taking place amongst three adult littermates, Fleabag (VGDF005), Goldeneye (VGDF007) and Juliet (VGDF009). Time will tell who comes out on top.

Gold Diggers on the move 2021. Photo credit Bieke Maex, Life History Coordinator

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