December 2023 Life History File

Whiskers Luna VWF235 and pup Pintabean VWM26
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Gold Diggers rovers and their quests for male dominance in 2023 are highlighted in the December Meerkatter.  These boys include Baymax, (VGDM028), James (VGDM011), and brothers Beatrice (VGDM014) and Rogelio de la Vega (VGDM015).

The Whiskers endured many changes in 2023. A detailed review and update of this beloved group is also presented in this month’s Meerkatter. With the immigration of several wild males, Whiskers group status went from ‘Full Data Collection’ to ‘Habituation’. With Zuma’s (VZUM059) exit from the group in mid-November, male dominance is currently undetermined.  Prior dominant male Brea (VLM157) was officially given his LAST SEEN this month. Female dominance is unsettled with the disappearance of dominant female Luna (VWF235) mid-month.

Jaxx Baloo VJXF080 and Leonard VLM221
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Female dominance also remains unsettled at Jaxx.  While former dominant female Baloo (VJXF080) has fully recovered from her snake bite injuries, she has not been accepted back into the group. Loyal dominant male Leonard (VLM221) has been seen with Baloo on several occasions during the month.

Zulus Helga VZUF052
photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Zulus dominant female (VZUF028) gave birth mid-December, but her litter was lost before emergence. Adult subordinate female Helga (VZUF052) was observed committing infanticide with one of the pups.



Trackie-Daks Fly VWF237
Photo by Harry Ames

Trackie-Daks dominant female Fly’s (VWF237) most recent litter of four emerged. Sadly, Fly was found predated on December 30th, leaving the group without a dominant female.


Find the December 2023 Meerkatter here.

Click here for the December 2023 Life History Chart.

For the December 2023 Groups Territory map, click here.

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