Lots going on in October – this is just a sampling!

Trackie-Daks dominant male Coquillette VTSM014
It’s meerkat breeding season which means rovers, intergroup interactions, pregnancies and births. It also means evictions and there were plenty in October. As a result, group size with some of the main data collection groups decreased. This is explained in detail in the October Meerkatter.
Trackie-Daks dominant male Coquillette (VTSM014) left on daily roving expeditions throughout the month. He is likely dominant female Boubou’s (VTDF028) father and looking for mating opportunities elsewhere. Boubou has also been seen separating from the group in an attempt to follow Coquillette. Boubou’s litter of five pups emerged and had their first forage with the group. Former Trackie-Daks adult subordinate males (three-legged) Moon Moon (VTSM022) and Raclette (VTDM017) made reappearances in the KMP population after missing since January 2024 and October 2023, respectively.

Ubuntu Bruindtjie VUBF063 in April 2024

Ubuntu Stokkies VUBF062
At Ubuntu, dominants Agazoth (VUBF039) and Greebo (VHMM048) evicted both females and males during the month, including yearling subordinate females Bruindtjie (VUBF063), Stokkies (VUBF062) and Tiddlywink (VUBF069) and adult subordinates Martini (VUBF061), as well as adult subordinate males Beans (VUBM053) Libby (VUBM058) and yearling male littermates Flibbertijibbet (VUBM066) and Hooligan (VUBM068). Adult subordinate male Ringo (VUBM059) was found deceased by the side of the road after being hit by a vehicle. Dominant male Greebo was also hit by a vehicle but survived with no obvious injuries.
Alba dominant female Cleopatra (VALF008) gave birth to three pups. Adult subordinate male Palestrina (VLM211), the oldest meerkat in the current KMP population, frequently left to go roving. During one foray both he and yearling subordinate male Apollo (VALM010) had an encounter with Nightwatch and were seen mating with dominant female Yorki (VGDF033). Palestrina left Alba on October 31st and has yet to return.

Gold Diggers Fernet Branca VGDF048

Gold Diggers Mikasa VGDF042
Gold Diggers adult subordinate females Fernet Branca (VGDF0465) and Mikasa (VGDF042) were given their LAST SEEN. Lazuli yearling subordinate female Nontokozo (VLF307) was bitten by a puff adder on the 13th and has not been seen after being left behind by the group that same day.
Zulus dominant female Spruddel (VZUF028) gave birth but her litter was lost. Later in the month adult subordinate Leona a.k.a The Unit (VZUF070) gave birth with three pups emerging.
Female and male dominance at Whiskers remains unconfirmed. The litters of adult female Archangel (VWF259) and yearling Kylie (VWF265) were lost. Yearling female Bruce (VWF266) aborted her litter. The third wild male immigrant was finally entered in the database as adult male Agent K (VWM276).
Click here for the October 2024 Meerkatter.
The October 2024 Life History Chart is here.
Find the October 2024 Territories Map here.

Whiskers Agent K VWM276

Ubuntu Ringo VUBM059