2020-08 August Life History File

Zulus dominant female Spruddel’s VZUF028 latest litter has survived to emergence – a first for her.  Of these two pups, only one remains at the end of the month; the other assumed predated while foraging with the group.   Gold Diggers finally have a dominant male.  Ubuntu’s Shrew VUBM018 has…


2020-07 July Life History File

This month’s Meerkatter highlights Make-e-Plan on the group’s four year anniversary.  This group was created by two Qunitessential females Bridget VQLF011 and Heatherleigh  VQLF018, and Zulus male Pi VZUM006.  Early on, this group was exposed to tuberculosis when two of the three Van Helsing males that immigrated into the group…


2020-06 June Life History File

This month Gold Diggers habitation improved considerably with the immigration of Ubuntu Shrew (VUBM018). As Shrew is bigger and older than all the other potential dominant males in the group, he is a strong contender for this position. Lazuli finally has a new dominant male – Odin (VLM266), one of…


2020-05 May Life History File

A potential record number of pups in one litter may have occurred in Elrond’s Council this month as nine pups were seen emerging for the first time o the 25th.  While DNA samples from the pups have yet to be analyzed, it is thought that all of the pups were…
