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The meerkats of the Kalahari Meerkat Project starred on countless screens and in books - do you want to learn more about the actors behind these stars? Or are you "just" fond of these furry little creatures that seem to value family above everything else? Or are you here to support the KMP research - and see what we've achieved with our support? Whatever it is that sparked your interest in the KMP meerkats:
Welcome to our Friends of the Kalahari Meerkat Project website.
Please use the menu at the top to navigate through the site, and also visit the KMP research website.
March 2023 Life History File
In this month’s Meerkatter, habituation is explained and a synopsis of the KMP’s current habituation groups is presented. The newest habituation group is the Cape Crusaders. Dominance has not yet been determined. Cape Crusaders eldest subordinate female, Timon (VZUF049), had not been seen since June 2022 when she was chased…
February 2023 Life History File
January 2023 Life History File
January’s Meerkatter highlights the KMP’s current “Golden Oldies” – meerkats living beyond the average wild meerkat lifespan, including Whiskers dominant male Brea (VLM157), Make-e-Plan dominant female Bridget (VQLF011) and Jaxx dominant female Baloo (VJXF080). Congratulations Golden Oldies; you have beaten the odds! New group Vetkoeks is holding steady at seven…
December 2022 Life History File
Meerkat breeding season is explained in this month’s Meerkatter. While there were a lot of pregnancies within the KMP’s groups in December, the majority of the litters were lost. However notably, Lazuli dominant female Sigma (VLF230) gave birth to a litter of four pups, that included the 300th individual to…