September 2022 Life History File

Swift and Brea, Whiskers dominant couple Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

September was a noteworthy month for the Whiskers with both highs and lows. Dominant male Brea (VLM157) turned a record 13-years-old, making him the oldest meerkat in the history of the KMP.  He looks a bit worse for wear these days, but he is hanging in there! Sadly though, his long-time partner, dominant female Swift (VWF176), passed away of unknown causes shortly before his birthday.  Swift’s adult daughter Luna (VWF235) took over dominance.  Without Swift, and Luna likely being Brea’s daughter, Brea’s future in Whiskers is now uncertain. On an encouraging note, for the first time in 6 months, there are surviving pups in Whiskers from a mixed litter of Laika’s (VWF236) and Flake’s (VWF247).

Whiskers Luna
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Former Trackie-Daks dominant female, Whiskers-born Bel-Hurricane (VWF231), resurfaced after disappearing in early July.  While she has not re-joined Trackie-Daks, she is sticking close by.

Swift’s son, Alba dominant male Jay-a-Rod (VWM216), was assumed to have been predated.  His radio collar was found in a bird of prey’s nest.  Alba dominant female Pippin (VECF003) was given her LAST SEEN this month as well.

Alba with dominants Jay-a-Rod and Pippin
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Find the September 2022 Meerkatter here.

Click here for the September 2022 Life History Chart.

The Group Territories Map is found here.



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