2019-09 September Life History File

Whiskers dominant couple Brea (front) and Swift. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Brea (VLM157), dominant male of of Whiskers since October 2014, turned ten years old this month.  This is quite an achievement for a meerkat! This month’s Meerkatter features some of the highlights of his life including helping to form the Cavemen group in 2011.

Lazuli suffered a number of losses this month, including Sigma’s (VLF230) litter, some for unknown reasons.  There is some speculation that culprit lay somewhere down in the burrow, but nothing was ever seen.

Tswana’s Lil’ Nasty (VTSF002) was predated, leaving three dye-marked and seven wild individuals in the group. None are wearing a radio collar.

Whiskers dominant male Brea. Photo by KMP visitor Laura salamone-Maiden

Find the September 2019 Life History details here.

Find the September 2019 Meerkatter here.


2019-08 August Life History File

Van Helsing in 2011 during better days.  Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Habituation group Tswana is now comfortable enough with project volunteers to be dyed and therefore identifiable for data collection.  Significant gains have been made in Elrond Council’s habituation as well and now volunteers are able to follow the group for entire morning sessions.

Long-time project favorite, the Van Helsing group, is now gone with the loss of its two remaining adult females due to TB.  This beloved group was first seen in February 2008.  Van Helsing once numbering some 35 individuals, has been ravaged over the years by this devastating disease, ultimately to its demise.

Van Helsing dominant female Egg wearing a mini camera for the 2017 Animals With Cameras shoot. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden


For the August 2019 Life History details click here.

Find the August 2019 Meerkatter here.


2019-07 July Life History File

Banksia while still a member of Van Helsing. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

With the end of winter approaching, the rovers are on the move again seeking new opportunities.  After losing their fight for dominance at Namaqua, Whiskers rovers Bonnie (VWM209) and Clyde (VWM208) decided to settle in with Van Helsing, at least for the time being.  Their presence chased off the wild males who had made up almost half of the group.

In Make-e-Plan, dominant male Shamal (VVHM111) was overthrown by his younger brother, another Van Helsing male, Banksia (VVHM117).  Shortly thereafter,  Shamal was euthanized due to advanced TB symptoms.  Fortunately there are no other Make-e-Plan individuals displaying any signs of TB.

Little Creatures LL Cool J (VLM207) was given his last seen date.

Make-e-Plan dominant male Shamal. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

For the July 2019 Life History details click here.

For the July 2019 Meerkatter click here.

2019-06 June Life History File

Van Helsing continues to decline due to tuberculosis within the group, but are holding at 11 individuals including the five wild males that immigrated into the group a few months prior.

Progress continues to be made with the four habituation groups, albeit some faster than others. These groups are Elrond’s Council, Gold Diggers, (Little) Creatures and Tswana.

Hakuna Matata Flint Lockwood (VHMF001) is pregnant with her first litter as dominant female.

Flint Lockwood pregnant with first litter as a dominant. Photo by meerkat volunteer Lea Sueur

Click here for the June 2019 Life History chart.

Find the June 2019 Meerkatter here.