August 2022 Life History File

Namaqua dominant male Umfana. Photo credit Laura Salamone-Maiden

The project’s dominant females were very busy this month.  Almost every group’s female leader gave birth!

Subgroups, including Zulus 4, Make-e-Plan 5, and two unnamed groups, were featured in this month’s Meerkatter.

Namaqua dominant female Manzai. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Namaqua suffered more losses from tuberculosis, including its dominant male Umfana (VZUM034).  The mob is now down to eight individuals. Other members, including dominant female Manzai (VNQF013), are showing signs of TB as well.

Ubuntu’s habituation is now complete due to adult subordinate male, Captain Barbosa’s (VLM265), improved comfort level around the KMP observers.  Following the disappearance of the group’s dominant male, Ogg (VHMM047), his littermate brother, Greebo (VHMM048) has taken over

Ubuntu Captain Barbosa. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

the top spot next to dominant female Daisy (VBBF111).

Whiskers dominant female Swift (VWF176) gave birth, but her litter was lost before emergence.

Click here for the August 2022 Meerkatter.

Find the August 2022 Life History Chart here.

July 2022 Life History File

Elrond’s Council Mojo Jojo and Shisharka. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

With the disappearance of Elrond’s Council dominant female Calypso (VEC027) in April, Elrond’s Council remains unstable and its future uncertain.  Two remaining yearling females, Mojo Jojo (VECF038) and Snoop Kat (VECF039), have been competing for dominance for four months.  At issue is that they are both likely to be the offspring of the group’s dominant male, Palestrina (VLM211), and probably would not mate with him.

This month’s Meerkatter features an article on a number of previously LAST SEEN individuals who have resurfaced.  It’s a good reminder that LAST SEEN doesn’t always mean gone for good!

Long-missing Lazuli Slop, as a pup. Photo by Lea Sueur

Almost Last Seen Zulus Bear and Mion. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Make-e-Plan’s surviving, previously abandoned pups, Jude (VMPP071) and Ranger (VMPM073), are hanging in there.  These two little ones were off to a rough start.  Fingers crossed they continue to persevere.

A baby boom is coming! Dominant females in Alba, Brussels Sprouts, Gold Diggers, Lazuli, Namaqua, Ubuntu, Whiskers and Zulus are all pregnant.

Namaqua dominant male Umfana. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Namaqua dominant male, Umfana (VZUM034) is showing symptoms of tuberculosis, Yearling subordinate male, Hanspeter (VNQM029), who was also suspected of suffering from TB, disappeared mid-month.

Find the July 2022 Meerkatter here.

Click here for the July 2022 Life History Chart.

Here is the July 2022 Groups territory Map

June 2022 Life History File

Ubuntu Artemis with pups including Donut.
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

An overview of the previous pup birth record in Ubuntu and other happenings in the group are highlighted in this month’s Meerkatter.   There is a new dominant male after the death of Jumper.

Brussels Sprouts and Brussels Sprouts 2 finally met up again after being separated for three months.  After a series of events spanning several weeks, the group was reunited (and it feels so good!) with the exception of Shandy (VHMM023) and juvenile male, Love (VBSM003), both who are now considered roving males.  Brussels Sprouts now numbers nine individuals and Brussels Sprouts 2 is disintegrated.

Shandy in 2018.
Photo by Shaz Alderton

Hakuna Matata were seen three times this month but still spending the majority of the time on a nearby farm. Fourteen individuals were seen.  One of the sightings was an intergroup interaction (IGI) with Whiskers.

After last month’s abandonment of the Make-e-plan pups, 9 of the 15 pups born into the mixed litter were given their LAST SEEN.

Namaqua did not have much of a reprieve from TB.  Yearling subordinate Hanspeter VNQM029 is now showing visible signs of the disease.

Namaqua Hanspeter (L) and dominant male Umfana (R)
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Find the June 2022 Meerkatter here.                  Click here for the June 2022 Life History Chart

The Group Territory Map can be found here.

May 2022 Life History File

Make-e-plan’s Stinky VMPF063. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Make-e-plan’s numbers significantly increased with the emergence of 15 pups from dominant female Bridget (VQLF011) and three subordinate yearling females.  The events that followed these births describe the sometimes-heartbreaking challenges the observers must face in the course of their work with the Project.  The full story is in this month’s Meerkatter.

The two factions of Brussels Sprouts have not reunited after splitting in March following an IGI with Gold Diggers.  Gold Diggers adult males, Jack (VGDM010) and James (VDM011), immigrated into the original group in which Arabella (VMP035) remains dominant.  Male dominance is unsettled between Jack and James, the only unrelated adult males in the group. In the other faction, Brussels Sprouts 2, Shandy (VHMM023) remains the dominant male.  Both Shandy and subordinate male Gurke (VHMM036) must leave the group for encounters with females as there are no adult females in this group of five.

Elrond’s Council’s Palestrina and Langa. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

As predicted, Calypso (VECF027), dominant female of Elrond’s Council, was given her LAST SEEN this month after a birth gone bad in April.  Adult subordinate male, Langa (VZUM033), was also given his LAST SEEN.

Namaqua’ s Megara VNQF020. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Namaqua’s TB-infected yearling subordinate female Megara (VNQF020) was given her LAST SEEN.  No other individuals in Namaqua are showing signs of TB.  Let’s hope this marks the end of the run of this devastating disease within the group.

All is status quo at Whiskers.

Whiskers elderly dominant couple Swift and Brea. Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

For the May 2022 Meerkatter click here.

The May 2022 Life History Chart is found here.

Click here for the most recent group territories map.