Welcome to the FKMP website...

The meerkats of the Kalahari Meerkat Project starred on countless screens and in books - do you want to learn more about the actors behind these stars? Or are you "just" fond of these furry little creatures that seem to value family above everything else? Or are you here to support the KMP research - and see what we've achieved with our support? Whatever it is that sparked your interest in the KMP meerkats:
Welcome to our Friends of the Kalahari Meerkat Project website.
Please use the menu at the top to navigate through the site, and also visit the KMP research website.
2021-05 May Life History File
We are excited to announce that the follow up Meerkat Manor series, filmed on the KRC meerkats, started on BBC America
2021-04 April Life History File

Trackie-Daks (formerly known as Tswana 2) officially has a dominant male, adult Coquillette (VTSM014). In order to declare a meerkat dominant within a group, more than half of the individuals of the same sex within that group need to be observed submitting to that meerkat. After missing for almost two…
2021-03 March Life History File

Sadly, Namaqua’s dominant male Sauce VZUM026 was predated by a Martial Eagle this month. Born into Zulus in 2016 to then-dominant female Poma VZUF007, he is profiled in this month’s Meerkatter. Also in Namaqua, both yearling subordinate females Mononoke Hime VNQF014 and Manzai VNQF013 immigrated back into the group after…