2020-06 June Life History File

This month Gold Diggers habitation improved considerably with the immigration of Ubuntu Shrew (VUBM018). As Shrew is bigger and older than all the other potential dominant males in the group, he is a strong contender for this position. Lazuli finally has a new dominant male – Odin (VLM266), one of…


2020-05 May Life History File

A potential record number of pups in one litter may have occurred in Elrond’s Council this month as nine pups were seen emerging for the first time o the 25th.  While DNA samples from the pups have yet to be analyzed, it is thought that all of the pups were…


2020-04 April Life History File

Re-habituation of Lazuli continues and good progress has been made.  The group is now fully dye-marked.  Three wild males had immigrated into the group after dominant male, Polon (VJXM295), was predated making it impossible to follow the group and collect ad-lib data.  Both of dominant female Sigma’s (VLF230) pups born…


2020-03 March Life History File

This month a subgroup of Lazuli, Lazuli 2, formed but was short-lived.  Annie (VLF240) and Lennon (VLF246) left Lazuli on the 10th and a few days later they were seen moving one of the dominant female Sigma’s (VLF230) pups to another burrow 500 meters away.  The following day, Hakuna Matata…
