August 2023 Life History File

Lazuli Dminat Female Dumpling
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

August was marked by many pregnant dominant females including Alba’s Tolkien (VECF019), Lazuli’s Dumpling (VLF272), Zulus’ Spruddel (VZUF028), Dik-Diks’ Fleabag (VGDF005), and Vetkoek’s Mooncake (VHMF053). Dominant females that gave birth in August include Side Quest’s Pumba (VZUF048), Jaxx’s Baloo (VJXF080), Ubuntu’s Agazoth (VUBF039) and Cape Crusader’s Timon (VZUF049).  Sadly, Timon was found predated soon afterward and the fate of her last litter is unknown. Sky (VSIF003) took the dominant position (and was radio-collared) as she was the only eligible female left in the group.

Timon in 2022
Photo By Laura Salamone-Maiden

Whiskers Emily Bronte and pup Cricket
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Whiskers adult subordinate females Laika (VWF236), Emily Bronte (VWF244) and Chomp (VWF244) were all evicted by their family. They encountered Trackie-Daks and were chased off.  They have yet to return to Whiskers.

Gold Diggers Rogelio de la Vega
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden



The escapades of several high-profile rovers were highlighted in this month’s Meerkatter, including Gold Diggers boys Beatrice (VGDM014) and Rogelio de la Vega (VGDM015).

Trackie-Daks adult subordinate female Hachi (VWF238) appears to have a submandibular lump on her left cheek.  It is not confirmed to be tuberculosis, but the group has had incidences of TB in the past.

Gold Diggers Beatrice
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Find the August 2023 Meerkatter here.

Click here for the August 2023 Life History Chart.

The updated Group Territories Map is found here.


July 2023 Life History File

Frequent Whiskers evictee Laika
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Frequent Alba evictee Kilie
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Cooperative breeding within meerkat society is discussed in this month’s Meerkatter. The focus is on dominance assertion in Alba and Whiskers, in which the dominant females are particularly keen to evict the adult subordinate females.

For almost three years, Trackie-Daks has been a habituation group.  While their habituation status is still in progress, July marks the beginning of adlib sessions during which the group is followed, weighed and behavioral data collected.

Photo by Bieke Maex



Lazuli Dominant Male Odin
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden





Former Lazuli dominant female Sigma’s daughter Dumpling (VLF272) took over female dominance after Sigma’s death. Dominant male Odin (VLM266) is potentially Dumpling’s father, so it was no surprise that following an IGI between Lazuli and Dik-Diks, he joined Dik-Diks to make a bid for male dominance there. However, after another IGI later that day, a confused Odin ended back up at Lazuli!


Vetkoeks Dominant Male Mion
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

At Alba, Pucky (VECM023) was unseated as dominant male by Ozzie (VECM033). Male dominance at Vetkoeks has been settled with Zulus-born Mion (VZUM057) now on the throne next to dominant female Mooncake (VHMF053).

For the July 2023 Meerkatter click here.

Find the July 2023 Life History Chart here.

The July 2023 Group Territories Map is here.



June 2023 Life History File

Ubuntu Dominant Female Agazoth
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

One of the oldest of the KMP’s groups, Ubuntu, is highlighted in the June Meerkatter.  Former dominant couple, Daisy (VBBF111) and Scar (VUBM021), portrayed themselves in Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty.  Since its discovery in 2016, Ubuntu has experienced many tribulations including frequent dominance changes, both male and female.  Ubuntu’s territory is in the south of the reserve and is bisected by the mail road. Because of this, Ubuntu has suffered vehicular fatalities when the meerkats cross the road, the most recent being the dominant female Cthulha (VUB035) who was hit by a truck in May.  Adult female Agazoth (VUBF034) is Ubuntu’s new dominant female.

Runaways Dominant Male Shiraz
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Runaways had a group split after the death of dominant female Bigwig (VMPF022) last month. The group was reunited this month with the return of the two females that had split with Bigwig’s final litter. The four pups disappeared less than a week after Bigwig’s death.    There is currently no dominant female at Runaways.

Alba Dominant Male Pucky
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

At Alba, adult subordinate male Ozzie (VECM033) and former Elrond’s Council dominant male, Palestrina (VLM211), have been asserting dominance on Alba ‘s current dominant male Pucky (VECM023).  Male dominance is still unsettled at the end of the month.

In Whiskers, sub-adult subordinate male, Pit Lord (VWM260), has been given his LAST SEEN.

Find the June 2023 Meerkatter here.

Whiskers Pit Lord (L) and Thunderbird
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Click here for the June Life History Chart.

The Group Territories map is found here.


May 2023 Life History File

Lazuli Sigma VLF230
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

An article on solo dominants is presented in this month’s Meerkatter.  Current solo dominants

Runaways Bigwig VMPF022
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

(those without partners) include Elrond Council dominant female Snoop Kat (VECF039), Zulus Spruddel (VZUF028), Vetkoeks Mooncake (VHMF053) and Runaways dominant male Shiraz (VJXM122).

On a sad note, May brought the loss of two dominant females. Lazuli’s Sigma (VLF230) suffered a bite to the head by a puff adder and succumbed overnight.  Runaways Bigwig (VMPF022) fell victim to some kind of a terrestrial predator.

Whiskers Cricket VWM270
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Whiskers also lost sub-adult subordinate female Thunderbird (VWF261) to a puff adder bite and pup Cricket (VWM270) to unknown circumstances.

The life and times of Hakuna Matata-born Shandy (VHMM023) is highlighted in the May Meerkatter.  Known as ‘Randy Shandy’ in Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty, this little meerkat got around! Dominant male of the short-lived Near Death Experience group, Shandy passed away in May from tuberculosis.

Whiskers Thunderbird VWF261
Photo by Laura Salamone-Maiden

Click here for the May 2023 Meerkatter.

Find the May 2023 Life History Chart here.

For the May Group Territories Map Click here.