2021-04 April Life History File

Moon Moon (VTSM022) Photo by Life History Coordinator Sian Seymour

Trackie-Daks (formerly known as Tswana 2) officially has a dominant male, adult Coquillette (VTSM014). In order to declare a meerkat dominant within a group, more than half of the individuals of the same sex within that group need to be observed submitting to that meerkat.

After missing for almost two weeks, Trackie-Daks subordinate sub-adult male, Moon Moon (VTSM022), reappeared with the group with a mummified left hind leg.  Since he was most likely ensnared by a man-made object, the decision was made to amputate his leg. Moon Moon has made a full recovery and is adjusting to life as a three-legged meerkat.

The morning of the 23rd started as a normal and fairly uneventful session at Make-e-plan. As per usual, the dominant female Bridget (VQLF011) and dominant male Banksia (VVHM117), subordinate adult male Thorn (VMPM027) and yearling subordinate female Vivienne (VMPF038) were taking their guarding duties seriously, while the rest of the group spent the morning foraging. Suddenly, the group started making a lot of noise around a dead tree. The observer approached the tree and saw a huge monitor lizard burst out and retreat into a hole.

If you want to know more….. download the meerkatter here!

Click here for the April Life History Chart.


2021-03 March Life History File

Zulus Sauce in 2018. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Sadly, Namaqua’s dominant male Sauce VZUM026 was predated by a Martial Eagle this month.  Born into Zulus in 2016 to then-dominant female Poma VZUF007, he is profiled in this month’s Meerkatter.   Also in Namaqua, both yearling subordinate females Mononoke Hime VNQF014 and Manzai VNQF013 immigrated back into the group after leaving in January.  They had been considered Last Seen last month.

Pup emergences continue this month, most notably with Gold Diggers with their mixed litter of ten pups!  These pups were all from subordinate females including Meghan VGDF018, Goldeneye VGDF007 and Fleabag VGDF005.  By the end of the month all ten pups were still present and all had been out foraging on several occasions.  Gold Diggers habituation level is in Advanced Progress now.  All individuals have been dye-marked and the group is able to be followed by observers for up to two hours

Zulus Sauce in 2018. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden


For the March 2021 Life History chart click here.

Find the March 2021 Meerkatter here.

2021-02 February Life History File

Not to be outdone by 21 pregnancies last month, this month boasts 24 pregnancies, 18 of them with subordinates.  Unfortunately with so many pregnant meerkats, there is also loss including lost pups due to natural abortion and infanticide.  If you are sensitive to these normal meerkat occurrences, do not open this month’s Meerkatter as the photos are graphic.

Make-e-plan dominant female Bridget. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

There were many pup emergences this month including a litter of six born to Jaxx dominant female Baloo VJX080, seven born to Make-e-plan dominant female Bridget VQLF011, six pups to Runaways, five to Phoenix and four to Trackie-Daks (formerly Tswana2).

Namaquu Manzai with young Hiccup in March 2020. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Namaqua subordinate yearling females Monoke-Hime VNQF014 and Manzai VNQF013 were absent throughout the month so are considered Last Seen.

Click here for the February 2021 Life History chart.

Find the February 2021 Meerkatter here.

2021-01 January Life History File

With large amounts of summer rains on the reserve comes food-a-plenty and many pregnant meerkats – 21 in total!  Both dominants and subordinates in Gold Diggers, Jaxx, Lazuli, Runaways (formerly Fake-e-plan), Zulus, Namaqua and Make-e-plan were pregnant or gave birth this month.

Runaways dominant male Shiraz. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

Make-e-plan subgroup Fake-e-plan is now recognized as a fully

Young Maverick with Bigwig in April 2020. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden

established group and now named ‘Runaways’.  Bigwig VMPF022 is confirmed as dominant female.  She is currently pregnant as is subordinate Scylla VMPF025.  Two other pregnant subordinates, Cirilla VMPF06 and Hope VMPF029 were evicted.  Shiraz VJXM122 has been dominant male since last month after battling his littermates Merlot VJXM121 and Grigio VJXM126.

Zulus adult subordinate male Pixie VWM210 and yearling subordinate females Pumba VZUF048 and Timon VZUF049 are considered Last Seen.

Find the January 2021 Life History chart here.

Find the January 2021 Meerkatter here.

Zulus Timon, Lil’ G and Pumba. Photo by KMP visitor Laura Salamone-Maiden.